
Environmental and Mixed Media Artist

Month: July, 2021

Beach Bloom.

This tideline temporary installation is a another response to maritime pollution and was created at my usual favourite beach at Whitehaven in West Cumbria during Spring 2021.I found an abandoned buoy washed up on the sands and created flower petals arranged around the base made up of small plastic items washed up at near Coulderton Beach.The vivid colours give an unnatural feel to installation,like some washed up alien bloom.The artwork also gives a nod to consumerism and packaging as lots of the smaller plastic were domestic kitchen related objects,such as bottle tops,kitchenware cleaners and utensils.

Timeline Turtle.

Tide line turtle was created on a beach boulder at South Beach ,Whitehaven in West Cumbria in March 2021.I used plastic I harvested from the tideline at nearby St Bees beach to fill in the outline of a Turtle.I choose the turtle image as it is a symbolic of an ocean species endangered by the consequences of marine pollution.Sea breezes threatened the artwork throughout its temporary existence due to its delicate structure.


The temporary beach installation was created at South Beach, Whitehaven, West Cumbria using locally located tideline coal and plastic. I sketched an outline of an industrial chimney tower and filled it with coal whilst the billowing smoke plumes were represented by the beach plastic.The artwork represents the connections between heavy industrial activities and the ever increasing demand for plastic manufacture and consumption. Despite the dangers to maritime pollution,the creation of plastics is reaching ever higher levels with most of the products ending up contaminating the oceans.After photographing the artwork, I cleared away the plastic to be used for further creative responses.